
We Heal Together in Co-Creation…

“We heal together in co-creation. We need connection, relationship, and reciprocity for genuine integration, healing, and pelvic transformation. The power of a live workshop is potent, offering a portal into the possibility of both an individual personal experience, and a shared collective experience, which can be deeply supportive, loving, and alchemising. Pelvic Priestess offers a wide range of compassionate and dynamic in-person and online workshops throughout the wheel of the year. Are you a coach, holistic practitioner or sexual and pelvic health educator? Do you have a group programme and desire some Pelvic Priestess magick?! I really enjoy being invited as a guest teacher and guide, and tailoring workshops that suit your community needs.”

- Aurora Sunu


We were never meant to do this work alone Beloved! As a Pelvic Priestess, there is nothing my womb LOVES more than to gather in sacred circle and create beauty ways with you!

It is absolute honey bliss to bathe in community, compassionately anointing each other with fragrant rose blessings, coming home to our bodies as our ritual space, gathering our wild and holy bones and dancing the wild-wolf within each of us!

There is something so healing about the experience of witnessing each other in circle. For me, slowing down and co-creating deep transformative ritual space is an integral part of my practice as a Pelvic Priestess.

I offer a wide range of both in-person and online workshops throughout the year, where you are invited to journey within a held community space, and weave with the 3 essential threads of my work: Somatic Education, Ritual Immersion and Somatic Embodiment.

Workshop Offerings…

Hire Pelvic Priestess For Your Events, Courses & Retreats!

A Note On Workshops…

I have lovingly crafted some ready to go workshops that are full of compassion, devotion, and embodied-mystery, which you can find on this page. However, as a Pelvic Priestess I am a practiced shape-shifter, who genuinely adores fluidity, dream-weaving and co-creation!

So please know that all of my workshops are equally as infinite, nebulous, grounded, and laced with possibility! You may have a theme for your event, you may be following the wheel of the year with your circle, or your festival might need some unique wondershine! Whatever your needs, Pelvic Priestess Workshops can shape-shift, dream and create according to your event’s longings with radiance and shine! I have shared workshops at everything from festivals such as Burning Woman Festival UK, SpellFest, Awakening Your Inner Goddess Events, to more intimate private offerings, and magical fireside happenings, as well as corporate and educational events.

Contact me to discuss and co-create some Workshop wonder!

Myth, Body, Moon

Myth, Body, Moon is an in-person monthly sacred moon circle, where we gather with community and journey with the cyclical wisdom of the 13 Moon Mysteries, Inner Dance, Sound Healing, Circle Sharing and Wild Swimming!

This is a uniquely special collaborative offering with the incredibly skilled and soulful Sound Therapist Robyn Wren, ( on the sacred land of (….)

Each moon circle, we explore a different archetype and discover ways to enter ritual space in body, breath, and bone.

This is an inclusive space for those that identify as a woman, or non-binary queer sovereign.

We endeavour to keep this space accessible in as many ways as possible.

Pelvic Priestess Retreats

Something wicked this way comes! And I mean that in the absolute BEST of ways! Mmmmmm, sign up to the email list to keep connected with all of the goodness, purrrrrr!

Join My Community

My email list is a sacred space! When you join my community in this way, each of you are welcomed through the temple gates, and presenced with loving compassion. My weekly email share with you is full of all of the goodness. You will receive news updates, event offerings, freebies, first dibs on any of my courses, workshops and sooo much more!