About Me… Professionally

My name is Aurora Sunu, and I am your Pelvic Priestess!

I offer Coaching and Therapies in Somatic Sexology, Holistic Pelvic Care, and Fertility and Reproductive Health. I work with a wide range of sexual and pelvic health issues. However, I specialise in working with those who have experienced sexual trauma and subsequent pelvic pain and cyclical dysfunction.

I help you re-belong yourself to your body, sexuality, and pelvic health with artful devotion. I support you to belong to your own sexual sovereignty by working with compassionate Pelvic Presence, and awakening a fiercely-gentle love, allowing you to know yourself remembered as sacred-earth, empowering you to be at exquisite choice to claim your own embodied liberation, for yourself, your relationships, and your unique expression of your safe erotic-wild.

About Me… Personally

I am a lover to my partner, and mama to 3 wild and wonderous wildlings.

Dance is my muse, and has been able to speak the unspoken in me, a language of rhythms, lines and billowing curves that utter me whole and wildly-alive. I began worshiping sacred circles when hula-hooping saved my life, teaching me how to shape pain and pleasure round.

Poetry is the gatekeeper of my soul, and water is my alchemical tool of choice. I am a curious creature, and I love to walk the wild samphire edges of the North Norfolk Coast, running from the forest to the sea oftentide, to feel the healing salt wet cold, and remember myself a selkie. To come back to a belonging that trembles me hallowed.

I am a lover of graffiti, particularly medieval graffiti, so when I am not tracing the stories and imprints of yesteryear, you will find me searching for fossils, tumbling seaglass in my palms, adorning my skin with echonoids and sea anemones.

But It Wasn’t Always This Way…

This section contains references to some of my personal story of trauma. Take care of you, and feel free to move on.


I spent most of my life very genuinely trying to jump up out of my bones. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I lived with a deep severance, feeling always outside of belonging.

I grew up in a deeply religious home, and I felt damned from very early on. I quickly learned how to be zealous, how to be good, kind and quiet. Very quiet… I became selectively mute.

By the age of 12, I had an eating disorder that lasted for 12 years, and I was very much alone with my pain. As my periods began, I was transported again and again into deep pelvic pain and the immediacy of trauma. My life became unbearable, and I believed that life would be better off without me, attempting to take my own life.

As I became sexually active, I began to experience flashbacks. Each time I had a period, I experienced complex PTSD from chronic pelvic pain and tension, developing Pelvic Congestion, Vaginismus and Painful Bladder Syndrome. Trying for a family, I had multiple miscarriages, and complicated pregnancies. I could only relate in social situations with a generous glug of red wine, and I knew that deep down nothing would change until I addressed what I knew to be the root of all my issues - my sexual trauma.

But woefully under-resourced, it felt more painful to become ‘real’ than it did to remain as the ‘false-self’ that I had maintained.

That changed when I had a full body auto-immune breakdown. I became extremely ill, developing one auto-immune dis-ease after another. It sounds awful, and it truly was, but there really is always hope… because then, the dawn came, and with it, an embodied mystery that changed my life…

There Is Always Hope…

One day during a very painful episode, an embodied mystery changed my life… I gazed at my vulva with astonishment, as a glowing, delicate and luminous patch of skin seemed to have bloomed overnight.

The phenomenon is caused by the auto-immune condition vitiligo, which affects the melanation of the skin. It was as if my sacred space, my yoni, was speaking to me, calling me, yearning for my attention, and with compassionate presence I began to listen. I heard her deep grief of unbelonging, her terror, her lack of self-worth. I began to tend to her with presence, and I knew that I could not go back. I had begun a pilgrimage, and from that point on, I made it my expressed intention to make an artful devotion of compassionate presence, to re-belong myself to my body, sexuality and pelvic well-being.

I found a safe sanctuary to heal in the warm embrace of the Priestess Presence Temple, which initiated me on a journey of my sacred remembrance. I sought community, I danced, drummed, and howled. I swallowed moons, made ritual with the waters, and I began to belong myself to my body, my soul, the earth. I knew that no ‘ologist’ was going to be able to fully help me, because not one of them had ever even asked me about trauma. I knew that I needed to seek a wholistic approach to my healing.

I vision quested, I re-birthed my menstrual cycle, belonging myself to the codes of creation of my blood. The blood mysteries guided me into the art of Pelvic Steaming, and I became a home apothecary and hedge herbalist. I began to practice intentional sexual healing. I made mistakes, and encountered great pains as a consequence. This led my curiosity to the strangeness of trauma, and I began to learn as much about the nervous system and stored trauma as I could.

The Embodied Mystery…

The embodied mystery became my adventure, and in time, as I began to gather my bones, to shake, dance, rest and sing them, I began to know my own body as my own ritual space. I became my own alchemist, the weaver-dreamer of my life lived-sacred, in breath, blood and bone.

I deepened in my studies and trainings, finding experts to support my journey, and I am tremendously grateful for the wide range of deeply transformational tools and practices that I have gathered and gleaned along the way.

My greatest learning has perhaps been that the body is a wisdom keeper, and that in each and every moment, your body is calling you into wellness, and that healing is relational. We heal together… and I find that incredibly hopeful.

Ready To Take Your First Step?

I offer both online and in-person Coaching and Holistic Somatic Therapy work.

It is important in Transformational Coaching and Therapies to know if we are the right fit for working together, so that we can co-create the alchemical change and transformation that you are seeking.

That’s why I offer a FREE complimentary ‘Pelvic Temple Call’ to explore where you are right now, versus where you would like to be, as well as what may be holding you back, and what coaching or bodywork with me will feel like.

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My email list is a sacred space! When you join my community in this way, each of you are welcomed through the temple gates, and presenced with loving compassion. My weekly email share with you is full of all of the goodness. You will receive news updates, event offerings, freebies, first dibs on any of my courses, and sooo much more!